1. |
Automatenmarken |
2. |
abejas |
Bienen |
bees |
abeille |
apes |
3. |
abreviaturas |
Abkürzungen |
abbreviations |
abréviations |
abbreviazioni |
4. |
acostado |
liegend |
horizontal |
couché |
coricato |
5. |
actores |
Schauspieler |
actor |
acteur |
attore |
6. |
Adenauer |
Adenauer |
Adenauer |
Adenauer |
Adenauer |
7. |
ajedrez |
Schach |
chess |
échecs |
scacchi |
8. |
Alpinismo |
Bergsteigen |
Mountaineering |
Alpinisme |
Alpinismo |
9. |
Amnesty-Internatiol |
Amnesty-International |
Amnesty-International |
Amnesty-International |
Amnesty-International |
10. |
animal doméstico |
Haustiere |
domestic animal/pet |
animal domestique |
animale domestico |
11. |
Animales (todos) |
Tiere |
Animals (all) |
Animaux (toutes) |
Animali |
12. |
animales carniceros |
Raubkatzen |
wild cats |
carnassier |
bestia feroce |
13. |
animales marítimos |
Meerestiere |
sealife |
animal marine |
animale marittimo |
14. |
ano de la juventud |
Jahr der Jugend |
youth year |
année de la jeunesse |
anno della gioventù |
15. |
ano de la mujer |
Jahr der Frau |
year of the women |
année de la femme |
anno della donna |
16. |
ano del nino |
Jahr des Kindes |
year of the child |
année de l`enfant |
anno della bambino |
17. |
anverso |
Bildseite |
front |
recto |
recto |
18. |
arana |
Spinnen |
spider |
araignée |
ragno |
19. |
arbol |
Baum |
tree |
arbre |
albero |
20. |
Armas |
Waffen |
Wappons |
Armes |
Armi |
21. |
arqueologia |
Archäologie |
archaeology |
archéoligie |
archeologie |
22. |
arquitectura |
Architektur |
architecture |
architecture |
architettura |
23. |
arte |
Kunst |
art |
art |
arte |
24. |
Astronáutica |
Raumfahrt |
Space |
Astronautique |
Astronautica |
25. |
Astronomia |
Astronomie |
Astronomy |
Astronomie |
Astronomia |
26. |
atletismo ligero |
Leichtathletik |
athletics |
athlétisme |
atletica leggera |
27. |
auténtico |
echt |
genuine |
authentique |
autentico |
28. |
ave |
Vögel |
bird |
oiseau |
uccello |
29. |
aves acuáticas |
Wasservögel |
water fowl |
oiseau aquatique |
uccello acquatico |
30. |
aves de rapina |
Raubvögel |
birds of prey |
oiseau de proie |
uccello rapace |
31. |
aviacion |
Luftfahrt |
aviation |
aviation |
aviazione |
32. |
aviación civil |
Zivilluftfahrt |
civil aviation |
aviation civile |
aviazione civile |
33. |
avion |
Flugzeuge |
airoplane |
avion |
aeroplano |
34. |
aviones militares |
Kriegsflugzeuge |
military aircraft |
avion de guerre |
aeroplano di guerra |
35. |
bailes, danzas |
Tanz |
dances |
danses |
danza |
36. |
ballena |
Wale |
whale |
baleine |
balena |
37. |
ballet |
Ballett |
ballet |
ballet |
balletto |
38. |
Baloncesto |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basket-ball |
Baloncesto |
39. |
balonmano |
Handball |
handball |
handball |
pallamano |
40. |
bandera |
Flaggen |
flag |
pavillon |
bandiera |
41. |
banderola |
Streifen |
strip |
banderole |
banderuola |
42. |
barra |
Balken |
bar |
barre |
sbarra |
43. |
Baseball |
Baseball |
Baseball |
Baseball |
Baseball |
44. |
Beethoven |
Beethoven |
Beethoven |
Beethoven |
Beethoven |
45. |
bicolor |
zweifarbig |
bicolored |
bicolore |
bicolore |
46. |
bilingue |
zweisprachig |
bi-lingual |
bilingue |
bilingue |
47. |
bloque de 4 |
Viererblock |
block of 4 |
bloc de 4 |
blocco di 4 |
48. |
bobina |
Rolle |
coil |
enroulement |
bobina |
49. |
bomberos |
Feuerwehr |
fire-brigade |
sapeurs-pompiers |
pompieri |
50. |
Boxeo |
Boxen |
Boxing |
Boxe |
Pugilismo |
51. |
Bridge |
Bridge |
Bridge |
Bridge |
Bridge |
52. |
bueyes, vacas |
Rinder |
cattle |
bovinés |
manzo / vacca |
53. |
caballo marino, hipocampo |
Seepferdchen |
seahorses |
hippocampe |
ippocampo |
54. |
caballos |
Pferde |
horses |
chevaux |
cavallos |
55. |
cabras |
Ziegen |
goat |
chèvre |
capra |
56. |
cacto, cactus |
Kakteen |
cactus |
cactée |
cacto |
57. |
capicua |
Kehrdruck |
tete-beche |
tête-bêche |
tete-beche |
58. |
caracoles marítimos |
Meeresschnecken |
sea-snail |
gastéropode de mer |
chiocciola marittimo |
59. |
caracoles, barbosas, limazas |
Schnecken |
snail / slug |
gastéropode |
chiocciola |
60. |
carreras de coche |
Autorennen |
motor-race |
course d`automobiles |
corsa automobilistica |
61. |
carta |
Brief |
cover |
lettre |
lettera |
62. |
Carta especial |
Ministerkarten |
Special folders |
carte spécial |
Carta speciale |
63. |
Cartas |
Belege/Briefe |
Letters |
Lettres |
Lettere |
64. |
Castillos |
Schloss |
Castles |
Château |
Palazzi/Castelli |
65. |
Catálogos/Literatura |
Kataloge/Literatur |
Catalogues/literature |
Catalogues/Literature |
Cataloghi/Letteratura |
66. |
caza |
Jagd |
chase / hunting |
chasse |
caccia |
67. |
centenario |
Jahrhundertfeier |
centenary |
centenaire |
centenario |
68. |
centolla, camarón, gamba, cigala |
Krabben |
crab |
crabe |
granchiolino |
69. |
certificado |
eingeschrieben |
registered |
recommandé |
raccomandato |
70. |
cerveza |
Bier |
beer |
bière |
birra |
71. |
Chagall |
Chagall |
Chagall |
Chagall |
Chagall |
72. |
Chaplin |
Chaplin |
Chaplin |
Chaplin |
Chaplin |
73. |
Churchill |
Churchill |
Churchill |
Churchill |
Churchill |
74. |
ciclismo |
Radfahren |
cycling |
cyclisme |
andare in bicicletta |
75. |
ciencia |
Wissenschaft |
science |
science |
scienzia |
76. |
cientificos, hombres de ciencia |
Wissenschaftler |
scientist |
homme de science |
scienziato |
77. |
cifra |
Ziffer |
figure |
chiffre |
cifra |
78. |
circo |
Zirkus |
Circus |
cirque |
circo |
79. |
circulo |
Ring |
circle |
cercle |
circolo |
80. |
claro |
hell |
light |
clair |
chiaro |
81. |
coche |
Auto |
car |
voiture |
macchina |
82. |
coche |
Kutschen |
coach |
calèche |
carrozza |
83. |
Cochino |
Schwein |
Pigs |
Cochon |
Porchi |
84. |
Colombo |
Kolumbus |
Columbus |
Colombe |
Colombo |
85. |
color |
Farbe |
colour |
couleur |
colore |
86. |
coloreado |
tinted |
teinté |
tinto |
tinto |
87. |
Comic |
Comic |
Comic |
Comic |
Comic |
88. |
completo |
vollständig |
complete |
complet |
completo |
89. |
Compositor |
Komponisten |
Composer |
Compositeur |
Compositore |
90. |
con fijasellos |
Falz |
hinged |
a charnière |
cerniera |
91. |
conchas |
Muscheln |
mussle /shell |
coquillage |
conchiglia |
92. |
Concorde |
Concorde |
Concorde |
Concorde |
Concorde |
93. |
conjunto |
Satz |
set |
ensemble |
insieme |
94. |
corneta de posta |
Posthorn |
posthorn |
cor |
corno |
95. |
corona |
Krone |
crown |
couronne |
corona |
96. |
correo aéreo |
Flugpost |
air mail |
poste aérienne |
posta aerea |
97. |
correo de campania |
Feldpost |
fieldpost |
poste de campagne |
posta da campo |
98. |
correo urbano |
Stadtpost |
local post |
poste locale |
posta locale |
99. |
correos |
Postwesen |
post |
poste |
posta |
100. |
cortado sin dental |
geschnitten |
imperforate |
coupé non dentelé |
tagliato non dentellato |
101. |
cortados en linea |
durchstochen |
rouletted |
percé |
forato |
102. |
corte de lineas |
Durchstich |
roulette |
percage |
foratura |
103. |
Cruz Roja |
Rotes Kreuz |
Red Cross |
Croix-Rouge |
Croce Rossa |
104. |
cuadernillo |
Markenheftchen |
booklet |
carnet |
libretto |
105. |
cuadrado |
Viereck |
square |
carré |
quadrato |
106. |
cuadriculado |
gegittert |
quadrille |
quadrillé |
quadrettato |
107. |
cuadros |
Gemälde |
paintings |
peinture |
quadro / pittura |
108. |
cuento de hadas, mito |
Märchen |
fairy-tale |
conte |
fiaba |
109. |
cueva, gruta |
Höhlen |
cave |
caverne |
caverna |
110. |
cultura |
Kultur |
culture |
culture |
cultura |
111. |
da Vinci |
da Vinci |
da Vinci |
da Vinci |
da Vinci |
112. |
de un solo color |
einfarbig |
monocolour |
unicolore |
unicolore |
113. |
defectuoso |
beschädigt |
damaged |
abimé |
sciupato |
114. |
defectuoso |
mangelhaft |
defective |
défectueux |
difettoso |
115. |
delfin |
Delphin |
dolphin |
dauphin |
delfino |
116. |
delgado |
dünn |
thin |
mince |
sottile |
117. |
dentado |
gezähnt |
perforated |
dentelé |
dentellato |
118. |
dentado |
Zähnung |
perforation |
dentelure |
dentellatura |
119. |
deporte |
Sport |
sports |
sport |
sport |
120. |
derechos del hombre |
Menschenrechte |
human rights |
droits de l`homme |
dirittos dell`uomo |
121. |
Descripción al dorso |
rückseitige Beschreibung |
Descriptions endorsed |
Descriptions au dos |
Descriptions endorsed |
122. |
Descubridores |
Entdecker |
Discoverers |
Explorateurs |
Scopritori |
123. |
día del sello |
Tag der Briefmarke |
stamp-day |
jour du timbre |
giorno del francobollo |
124. |
Diana (Lady Di) |
Diana (Lady Di) |
Diana (Lady Di) |
Diana (Lady Di) |
Diana (Lady Di) |
125. |
dibujo |
Zeichnung |
design |
dessin |
disegno |
126. |
dibujo prehistórico |
Felszeichnung |
rock-painting |
peinture parétale |
disegno rupestre |
127. |
diligencia |
Postkutschen |
stage-coach |
diligence |
carrozza postale |
128. |
dinosaurios |
Saurier |
dinosaurus |
sauriens |
dinosaurio |
129. |
Disney |
Disney |
Disney |
Disney |
Disney |
130. |
doble |
doppelt |
double |
double |
doppio |
131. |
drogas |
Drogen |
drugs |
drogues |
drogs |
132. |
Durer |
Dürer |
Durer |
Durer |
Durer |
133. |
edificio |
Gebäude |
building |
bâtiment |
edificio |
134. |
Edificio |
Bauwerke |
Building |
Bâtiment |
Edificio |
135. |
Einstein |
Einstein |
Einstein |
Einstein |
Einstein |
136. |
elefante |
Elefanten |
elephant |
éléphant |
elefante |
137. |
Elisabeth II |
Elisabeth II |
Elisabeth II |
Elisabeth II |
Elisabeth II |
138. |
Elvis Presley |
Elvis |
Elvis Presley |
Elvis Presley |
Elvis Presley |
139. |
emisión |
Ausgabe |
issue |
émission |
emissione |
140. |
emisión de beneficencia |
Wohltätigkeitsausgabe |
charity issue |
émission de charité |
emissione di beneficenza |
141. |
émisión local |
Lokalausgabe |
local issue |
émission locale |
emissione locale |
142. |
en uso |
kursierend |
current |
cours (en) |
in corso |
143. |
ensayo |
Probedruck |
essay |
essais |
saggi |
144. |
enteros |
Ganzsache |
entire |
entier |
intiero |
145. |
Enteros privados |
Privatganzsachen |
Private entiers |
Entiers privées |
Intiero privato |
146. |
equitación |
Reiten |
riding |
équitation |
cavalcare |
147. |
erizos |
Igel |
hedgehog |
hérisson |
riccio |
148. |
escarabajos |
Käfer |
beetles |
coléoptère |
coleottero |
149. |
escritores |
Schriftsteller |
author |
écrivain |
scrittore |
150. |
escudo |
Wappen |
coat of arms |
armoiries |
stemma |
151. |
escultura |
Skulpturen |
sculpture |
sculpture |
scultura |
152. |
esgrima |
Fechten |
fencing |
faire de l`escrime |
combattere |
153. |
espacio |
Weltraum |
space |
espace cosmique |
spazio / cosmo |
154. |
espacio entre grupos |
Stegpaar |
gutterpair |
interpanneau |
ponte |
155. |
Esperanto |
Esperanto |
Esperanto |
Esperanto |
Esperanto |
156. |
esquiar |
Skifahren |
skiing |
ski |
sciare |
157. |
esquina |
Ecke |
corner |
angle |
angolo |
158. |
Europa CEPT |
Europa CEPT |
Europe CEPT |
Europe CEPT |
Europa CEPT |
159. |
Europa simpatizantes |
Europa Mitläufer |
Europe sympathics |
Europe sympathisantes |
Europa simpatizzante |
160. |
exágonos |
Waben |
honey combs |
hexagones |
esagoni |
161. |
examinado |
geprüft |
expertised |
expertisé |
periziato |
162. |
expertizaje |
Prüfung |
examination |
expertise |
perizia |
163. |
exploradores |
Pfadfinder |
scouts |
scout |
esploratore |
164. |
exposición |
Ausstellung |
exhibition |
exposition |
esposizione |
165. |
exposición filatelico |
Briefmarkenausstellungen |
philatelic exhibitions |
expositions philatélics |
esposizione filatelica |
166. |
Exposition mundial |
Weltausstellung |
World exhibitions |
Exposition mondial |
Esposizione mondiale |
167. |
extranjero |
Ausland |
foreign |
étranger |
estero |
168. |
falsificatión |
Fälschung |
forgery |
falsification |
falsificazione |
169. |
falso |
falsch |
forged |
faux |
falso |
170. |
faro, fanal |
Leuchttürme |
lighthouse |
phare |
faro |
171. |
fecha |
Datum |
date |
date |
data |
172. |
Ferrari |
Ferrari |
Ferrari |
Ferrari |
Ferrari |
173. |
ferrocarriles |
Eisenbahn |
railways |
chemin de fer |
ferrovia |
174. |
Filatelia |
Philatelie |
Philately |
Philatelie |
Filatelia |
175. |
filigrana |
Wasserzeichen |
watermark |
filigrane |
filigrana |
176. |
Film |
Film |
Film |
Film |
Film |
177. |
flor |
Blumen |
flower |
fleur |
fiore |
178. |
fondo |
Grund |
background |
fond |
fondo |
179. |
fosiles |
Fossil |
fossils |
fossiles |
fossiles |
180. |
Fotografia |
Fotografie |
Photography |
Photographie |
Fotografia |
181. |
fragmento |
Briefstück |
piece |
fragment |
framm |
182. |
franqueo |
Frankatur |
postage |
affranchissement |
affrancatura |
183. |
fuera de curso |
außer Kurs |
withdrawn |
hors cours |
fuori corso |
184. |
fútbol |
Fußball |
football |
football |
calcio |
185. |
gallinas, gallos |
Hühner |
fowl / poultry |
poule / volaille |
gallina |
186. |
gato |
Katzen |
cat |
chat |
gatto |
187. |
gato montés |
Wildkatzen |
wild cats |
chat sauvage |
gatto selvatico |
188. |
Geologia |
Geologie |
Geology |
Geologie |
Geoligia |
189. |
Globo |
Ballons |
Balloon |
Ballon |
Pallone |
190. |
Goethe |
Goethe |
Goethe |
Goethe |
Goethe |
191. |
Golf |
Golf |
Golf |
Golf |
Golf |
192. |
goma |
Gummi |
gum |
gomme |
gomma |
193. |
grabado |
gestochen |
engraved |
gravé |
stampato |
194. |
grabado en acero |
Stahlstich |
steel engraving |
gravure sur acier |
incisione su acciaio |
195. |
grillo, cigarra |
Grillen |
cricket |
grillon |
grillo |
196. |
gris |
grau |
grey |
gris |
grigio |
197. |
grueso |
dick |
thick |
gras, épais |
spesso, grasso |
198. |
helicópteros |
Hubschrauber |
helicopter |
hélicoptère |
elicottero |
199. |
hidroavión, hidro |
Wasserflugzeuge |
seaplane |
hydravion |
idrovolante |
200. |
hierba medicinal |
Heilpflanzen |
medicinal plant |
plante officinale |
erba medicinale |
201. |
hilos de seda |
Seidenfaden |
silk thread |
fil de soie |
filo di seta |
202. |
Hockey sobre hielo |
Eishockey |
Ice-hockey |
Hockey sur glace |
Hockey su ghiaccio |
203. |
hoja |
Bogen |
sheet |
feuille |
foglio |
204. |
hoja bloque |
Block |
souvenir sheet |
feuillet |
foglietto |
205. |
hoja-bloque |
Gedenkblock |
souvenir sheet |
bloc-souvenir |
blocco |
206. |
hojitas |
Kleinbogen |
sheetlet |
petite feuillet |
foglietto |
207. |
Hologramma |
Hologramme |
Hologramme |
Hologramme |
Hologramma |
208. |
hongos, setas |
Pilze |
mushrooms |
champignons |
fungi |
209. |
Hundertwasser |
Hundertwasser |
Hundertwasser |
Hundertwasser |
Hundertwasser |
210. |
iglesia, templo |
Kirchen |
church |
église |
chiesa |
211. |
impresión |
Druck |
print |
impression |
stampa |
212. |
impresión de guerra |
Kriegsdruck |
war time printing |
impression de guerre |
tiratura di guerra |
213. |
impreso en relieve |
Prägedruck |
embossed printing |
impression en relief |
in rillievo |
214. |
impresos |
Drucksache |
printed matter |
imprimés |
stampato |
215. |
industria minera |
Bergbau |
mining |
exploitation des mines |
industria mineraria |
216. |
inscripción leyenda |
Inschrift |
inscription |
inscription légende |
inscrizione |
217. |
insecto |
Insekten |
insect |
insecte |
insetto |
218. |
instrumento de música |
Musikinstrumente |
music instruments |
instrument de musique |
strumento musicale |
219. |
instrumentos de medición |
Messinstrumente |
measuring instrument |
instrument de mesure |
strumento per misura |
220. |
invertido |
kopfstehend |
inverted |
renversé |
capovolto |
221. |
itálica |
Schrägschrift |
italics |
italique |
italico |
222. |
izquierda |
links |
left |
gauche |
sinistro |
223. |
jardin zoológico, zoo |
Zoo |
Zoo |
zoo |
zoo |
224. |
joyas, joyerías |
Schmuck |
jewelry |
bijoux |
gioielli |
225. |
Juegos |
Spiele |
Games |
Jeux |
Games |
226. |
juguete |
Spielzeug |
toys |
jouets |
giocattolo |
227. |
Kennedy |
Kennedy |
Kennedy |
Kennedy |
Kennedy |
228. |
langosta, saltamonte |
Heuschrecken |
grasshopper |
sauterelle |
cavaletta |
229. |
lechuza, mochuelo |
Eulen |
owl |
hibou / chouette |
civetta |
230. |
levantamiento de pesos |
Gewichtheben |
weightlifting |
haltérophilie |
sollevamento pesi |
231. |
libélula |
Libellen |
dragonfly |
libellule |
livella |
232. |
Libro del ano |
Jahrbuch |
Yearbook |
Livre d`année |
Libro del anno |
233. |
Libro del ano especial |
Ministerjahrbücher |
Special year books |
Livre d`année spécial |
Libro del anno speciale |
234. |
libros |
Bücher |
books |
livres |
libros |
235. |
liebre |
Hasen |
hare |
lièvre |
lepre |
236. |
linea |
Linie |
line |
ligne |
linea |
237. |
linea |
Strich |
dash, line |
trait |
tratto |
238. |
Lions-Club |
Lions-Club |
Lions-Club |
Lions-Club |
Lions-Club |
239. |
liso |
glatt |
smooth |
uni |
liscio |
240. |
Literatura |
Literatur |
Literature |
Literature |
Literatura |
241. |
litografia |
Steindruck |
lithography |
litographie |
litografia |
242. |
lucha |
Ringen |
wrestling |
lutte |
lottare |
243. |
Madra Theresa |
Mutter Theresa |
Mother Theresa |
Mère Thérèse |
Madre Theresa |
244. |
mamifero |
Säugetiere |
mammal |
mammifère |
mammifero |
245. |
mamiferos marítimos |
Meeressäuger |
sea-mammals |
mammifère de mer |
mammifero marittimo |
246. |
mancha |
Fleck |
stain |
tache |
macchia |
247. |
mapa meteorológico |
Wetterkarten |
meteorological chart |
carte méteorologique |
carta meteorologica |
248. |
mapas |
Landkarten |
map |
carte géographique |
carta geografica |
249. |
marco |
Rahmen |
frame |
cadre |
cornice |
250. |
margen |
Rand |
margin |
marge |
margine |
251. |
margen |
Markenrand |
margin |
marge |
margine |
252. |
mariposa |
Schmetterlinge |
butterfly |
papillon |
farfalla |
253. |
martín pescador |
Eisvögel |
kingfisher |
martin-pêcheur |
martinpescatore |
254. |
matasello |
Abstempelung |
cancellation |
oblitération |
annullo |
255. |
matasello de mano |
Handstempel |
handstamp |
cachet à la main |
timbro a mano |
256. |
Matasello especial |
Sonderstempelbelege |
Special cachets |
Cachets speciaux |
Special cachets |
257. |
matasello especial |
Sonderstempel |
special cancellation |
cachet spécial |
annullo speciale |
258. |
media luna |
Halbmond |
crescent |
croissant |
mezzaluna |
259. |
medicina, médicos |
Medizin |
medicine |
médicine |
medicina |
260. |
Meteorologia |
Meteorologie |
Meteorology |
Météorolgie |
Meteorologia |
261. |
Metro |
S-Bahn |
Tramway |
Métro |
Metro |
262. |
Metro |
U-Bahn |
Subway |
Métro |
Metro |
263. |
milésima |
Jahreszahl |
date of the year |
millésime |
millesimo |
264. |
Militar/Guerra |
Militär/Krieg |
Military/War |
Militaire/Guerre |
Militare/Guerra |
265. |
minerales |
Mineralien |
minerals |
minéraux |
minerale |
266. |
Moda |
Mode |
Fashion |
Mode |
Moda |
267. |
molino de viento |
Windmühlen |
wind mills |
moulin à vent |
mulino a vento |
268. |
molinos |
Mühle |
mill |
moulin |
mulino |
269. |
monedas sobre sellos |
Münzen auf Marken |
coins on stamps |
monnaie sur timbre |
moneta sopra francobollo |
270. |
mono |
Affen |
ape |
singe |
scimmia |
271. |
montana |
Berg |
mountain |
montagne |
monte |
272. |
Motivos alemanos |
deutsche Motive |
german topics |
Thèmes Allemands |
Motivos tedescos |
273. |
Motivos cristianos |
christliche Motive |
Christian topics |
Thèmes crétiens |
Motivos cristianos |
274. |
motivos polares |
Polarmotive |
polar topicals |
thème polaire |
motivo polare |
275. |
motivos prehistóricos |
prähistorische Motive |
prehistoric topicals |
thème préhistorique |
motivo preistorico |
276. |
motocicleta |
Motorrad |
motor-cycle |
motocyclette |
motocicletta |
277. |
muestra |
Muster |
type |
type |
tipo |
278. |
mujer |
Frauen |
woman |
femme |
donna |
279. |
murciélago |
Fledermäuse |
bat |
chauve-souris |
pipistrello |
280. |
música |
Musik |
music |
musique |
musica |
281. |
Músicos de Pop |
Pop-Musiker |
Pop musician |
Musicien du Pop |
Musico de Pop |
282. |
natación |
Schwimmen |
swimming |
natation |
nuoto |
283. |
nave |
Schiffe |
ship |
bateau |
nave |
284. |
Navegantes |
Seefahrer |
Navigators |
Navigateurs |
Navigantes |
285. |
Navidad |
Weihnachten |
christmas |
Noel |
Natale |
286. |
ninos |
Kinder |
children |
enfants |
bambini |
287. |
no questo en circulation |
unverausgabt |
not issued |
non émis |
non emesso |
288. |
nuevo |
postfrisch |
mint |
neuf |
nuovo |
289. |
número |
Nummer |
number |
numéro |
numero |
290. |
oblicuo, inclinado, diagonal |
schräg |
slanting, oblique |
oblique |
obliquo |
291. |
offset |
Abklatsch |
offset |
offset |
offset |
292. |
Olimpiada |
Olympia |
olympic games |
jeux Olympiques |
olimpiade |
293. |
Olimpiada de invierno |
Winter-Olympiade |
Winter olympics |
Olympiade d`hiver |
Olimpiade de inverno |
294. |
Olimpiada de verano |
Sommer-Olympiade |
Summer olympics |
Olympiade d`été |
Summer olympics |
295. |
ordinario |
gewöhnlich |
ordinary |
ordinaire |
ordinario |
296. |
organizaciones |
Organisationen |
organization |
organisation |
organizzazione |
297. |
original |
Original |
original |
original |
originale |
298. |
oro |
golden |
golden |
or |
oro |
299. |
orquidea |
Orchideen |
orchid |
orchidée |
orchidea |
300. |
oscuro |
dunkel |
dark |
foncé |
cupo |
301. |
oso |
Bären |
bear |
ours |
orso |
302. |
oveja, carnero |
Schafe |
sheep |
mouton |
pecora |
303. |
paisajes |
Landschaften |
landscape |
paysages |
paesaggio |
304. |
Paleontologia |
Paläontologie |
Paleontology |
Paleontologie |
Paleontologia |
305. |
papa |
Papst |
pope |
pape |
papa |
306. |
papagayos, loros |
Papageien |
parrot |
perroquet |
pappagallo |
307. |
papel |
Papier |
paper |
papier |
carta |
308. |
papel cebolla |
Seidenpapier |
tissue paper |
papier pelure |
carta velina |
309. |
papel con mezcla de hilos de seda |
Faserpapier |
granite paper |
papier mélangé de fils de sole |
carata con fili di seta |
310. |
papel estucado |
Kreidepapier |
chalky paper |
papier couché |
carta gessata |
311. |
papel listado |
gestreiftes Papier |
laid paper |
papier vergé |
carta vergata |
312. |
papel satinado |
Glanzpapier |
glossy paper |
papier glacé |
carta lucida |
313. |
paracaidistas |
Fallschirmspringen |
parachute |
parachutage |
paracadutista |
314. |
Paragliding |
Drachenfliegen |
Paragliding |
Paragliding |
Paragliding |
315. |
Paragliding |
Gleitschirmfliegen |
Paragliding |
Paragliding |
Paragliding |
316. |
parecido |
ähnlich |
similar |
analogue |
analogo |
317. |
pareja |
Paar |
pair |
paire |
paio |
318. |
paréntesis |
Klammer |
bracket |
parenthèse |
parentesi |
319. |
Particularidad |
Besonderheiten |
Specialty |
Spécialité |
Particolarità |
320. |
partido en dos |
halbiert |
bisected |
coupé en deux |
tagliato in due |
321. |
partitudos |
Parteien |
party |
parti |
partito |
322. |
Pascua |
Ostern |
Easter |
Pâques |
Pasqua |
323. |
Patinaje artistico |
Eiskunstlauf |
Figure-skating |
Patinage |
Pattinaggio artistico |
324. |
pato, ánade |
Enten |
ducks |
canard |
anitra |
325. |
paz |
Frieden |
peace |
paix |
pace |
326. |
pequeno |
klein |
small |
petit |
piccolo |
327. |
perfecto |
tadellos |
perfect |
impeccable |
perfetto |
328. |
perforación de linea |
Linienzähnung |
line perforation |
perforation en lignes |
perforatura a trattini |
329. |
perla |
Perlen |
pearl |
perle |
perla |
330. |
perro |
Hunde |
dog |
chien |
cane |
331. |
personas |
Personen |
personage |
personnages |
personaggio |
332. |
Petróleo |
Öl |
Oil |
Pétrole |
Petrolio |
333. |
pez |
Fische |
fish |
poisson |
pesce |
334. |
Picasso |
Picasso |
Picasso |
Picasso |
Picasso |
335. |
pingpong, tenis de mesa |
Tischtennis |
table tennis |
tennis de table |
tennis da tavola |
336. |
pingüinos |
Pinguine |
penguins |
pingouins |
pinguinos |
337. |
pinturas de ninos |
Kindergemälde |
childrens paintings |
peinture de lènfant |
disegno della bambino |
338. |
pinturas desnudas |
Aktgemälde |
nude paintings |
peinture nue |
quadro nudo |
339. |
plancha |
Platte |
plate |
planche |
tavola |
340. |
planta acuática |
Wasserpflanzen |
aquatic plant |
plante aquatique |
pianta acquatica |
341. |
Plantas |
Pflanzen |
Plants |
plantes |
Piante |
342. |
policía |
Polizei |
police |
police |
polizia |
343. |
precio |
Preis |
price |
prix |
prezzo |
344. |
precursor |
Vorläufer |
forerunner |
précurseur |
precursore |
345. |
premio Nobel |
Nobelpreis |
Nobel prize |
prix Nobel |
premio Nobel |
346. |
Presa |
Staudämme |
Dam |
Barrage |
Dam |
347. |
Princesa Anne |
Prinzessin Anne |
Princess Anne |
Princesse Anne |
Princesa Anne |
348. |
privato |
privat |
private |
privé |
particular |
349. |
protección de la naturalezza |
Naturschutz |
nature protection |
protection de la nature |
protezione delle bellezze naturali |
350. |
prueba |
Probe |
proof |
épreuve |
saggi |
351. |
puente |
Brücken |
bridge |
pont |
ponte |
352. |
punteado |
punktiert |
dotted |
pointillé |
a punti |
353. |
punto |
Punkt |
point |
dot |
punto |
354. |
Queen Mother |
Queen Mother |
Queen Mother |
Queen Mother |
Queen Mother |
355. |
Raffael |
Raffael |
Raphael |
Raphael |
Raffael |
356. |
rana |
Frösche |
frog |
grenouille |
rana |
357. |
raro |
selten |
rare |
rare |
raro |
358. |
recortado |
beschnitten |
cut close |
coupé court |
tagliato corto |
359. |
rectángulo |
Rechteck |
rectangle |
rectangle |
rettangolo |
360. |
redondo |
rund |
round |
rond |
rotondo |
361. |
regomado |
nachgummiert |
regummed |
regommé |
rigommato |
362. |
regrabado |
nachgraviert |
reengraved |
regravé |
reinciso |
363. |
reimpresion |
Nachdruck |
reprint |
réimpression |
ristampa |
364. |
reimpression |
Neudruck |
reprint |
réimpression |
ristampa |
365. |
Religión |
Religion |
Religion |
Religion |
Religione |
366. |
Relojes |
Uhren |
Clocks |
Horloges |
Orologi |
367. |
Rembrandt |
Rembrandt |
Rembrandt |
Rembrandt |
Rembrandt |
368. |
remo |
Rudern |
rowing |
faire de l`aviron |
remare |
369. |
reparado |
repariert |
repaird |
réparé |
riparato |
370. |
reptil |
Reptilien |
reptil |
reptile |
rettile |
371. |
reyes, reinas |
Könige |
king |
rois |
re, regina |
372. |
rollo de sellos |
Markenrolle |
coil |
rouleau de timbres |
rotolo di francobolli |
373. |
rombos |
Rauten |
lozenges |
losanges |
losanghe |
374. |
rosa |
Rosen |
rose |
rose |
rosa |
375. |
Rotary-Club |
Rotary-Club |
Rotary-Club |
Rotary-Club |
Rotary-Club |
376. |
Rowland Hill |
Rowland Hill |
Rowland Hill |
Rowland Hill |
Rowland Hill |
377. |
Rubens |
Rubens |
Rubens |
Rubens |
Rubens |
378. |
saltos de agua |
Wasserfälle |
waterfall |
chute d`eau |
cascata |
379. |
satinado |
satiniert |
glazed |
satiné |
satinato |
380. |
sello |
Siegel |
seal |
cachet |
timbro |
381. |
sello de correo |
Briefmarke |
postage stamp |
timbre-poste |
francobollo |
382. |
sello de devolución |
Retourmarke |
return stamp |
timbre de retour |
francobollo di ritorno |
383. |
sello de franquicia militare |
Militärpostmarke |
military postage stamp |
timbre de franchise militaire |
francobollo militare |
384. |
sello de franquicio |
Portofreiheitsmarke |
franchise stamp |
timbre de franchise |
francobollo di franchigia |
385. |
sello de giro postal |
Postanweisungsmarke |
money order stamp |
timbre pour mandat |
francobollo per il servizio del vaglia |
386. |
sello de huelga |
Poststreikmarke |
postal strike stamp |
timbre de grève |
francobollo di sciopero |
387. |
sello de servicio |
Dienstmarke |
official stamp |
timbre de service |
francobollo di servizio |
388. |
sello de tasa |
Portomarke |
postage due stamp |
timbre-taxe |
segnatasse |
389. |
sello de telegrafos |
Telegrafenmarke |
telegraph stamp |
timbre-télégraphe |
francobollo telegrafo |
390. |
sello de urgencia |
Eilmarke |
special delivery stamp |
timbre pour exprès |
francobolli per espresso |
391. |
sello fiscal |
Steuermarke |
fiscal stamp |
timbre fiscal |
francobollo fiscale |
392. |
sello para paquete postal |
Paketmarke |
parcel stamp |
timbre pour colis-postaux |
francobolli per pacchi postali |
393. |
sello para periódicos |
Zeitungsstempelmarke |
newspaper stamp |
timbre pour journaux |
francobollo per giornali |
394. |
sello sobre sello |
Marke auf Marke |
stamp on stamp |
timbre sur timbre |
francobollo sopra francobollo |
395. |
Sellos circulares |
runde Marken |
round stamps |
Timbres ronds |
Francobolli rotondi |
396. |
sellos de guerra |
Kriegsmarken |
war stamps |
timbres de guerre |
francobolli di guerra |
397. |
Sellos de madera |
Holz-Marken |
wood stamps |
Timbres du bois |
Francobolli di legno |
398. |
Sellos de metal |
Metall-Marken |
Metal stamps |
Timbres de métal |
Francobollo metallico |
399. |
Sellos de oro/plata |
Gold/Silber-Marken |
Gold/Silver stamps |
Timbres d`Or/Argent |
Francobolli de oro/argento |
400. |
Sellos de tela |
Stoff-Marken |
textile stamps |
Timbres d`textile |
textile stamps |
401. |
Sellos triangulares |
dreieckige Marken |
triangular stamps |
Timbres triangulaires |
Francobolli triangolari |
402. |
serie |
Reihe |
series |
série |
serie |
403. |
serpiente |
Schlangen |
snake |
serpent |
serpente |
404. |
signo |
Zeichen |
sign, mark |
signe |
segno |
405. |
sin |
ohne, (o.) |
without |
sans |
senza |
406. |
sobre |
Briefumschlag |
envelope |
enveloppe |
busta |
407. |
sobre del primer dia |
first day cover |
enveloppe premier jour |
busta di prima giorno |
408. |
sobrecarga |
Aufdruck |
overprint |
surcharge |
soprastampa |
409. |
sobrecarga local |
Lokalaufdruck |
local overprint |
surcharge locale |
soprastamps locale |
410. |
sobretasa |
Zuschlag |
surtax |
surtaxe |
sopratassa |
411. |
stock sobrante |
Restbestand |
stock remainder |
stock restant |
stocks residu |
412. |
submarino |
U-Boote |
submarines |
sous-marin |
sommergibile |
413. |
Succulentes |
Sukkulenten |
Succulentes |
Succulentes |
Succulentes |
414. |
sumergirse, buzos |
Taucher |
diving |
plongée |
tuffarsi |
415. |
surfing |
Surfen |
surfing |
surfing |
surfing |
416. |
Tabaco |
Tabak |
Tabac |
Tabac |
Tabac |
417. |
tamano |
Format |
size |
format |
form |
418. |
tamano |
Größe |
size |
grandeur |
grandezza |
419. |
tarjeta postal |
Postkarte |
postcard |
carte postale |
cartolina |
420. |
teatro |
Theater |
Theatre |
Théâtre |
Theatre |
421. |
Telecommunication |
Telekommunikation |
Telecommunication |
Télécommunication |
Telecommunicatione |
422. |
Tenis |
Tennis |
Tennis |
Ténnis |
Tennis |
423. |
tiburón |
Haie |
shark |
requin |
pescecane |
424. |
tipo |
Buchstaben |
types |
caractères |
caratteri |
425. |
tipografia |
Buchdruck |
typography |
typographie |
tipografia |
426. |
tirada |
Auflage |
printing |
tirage |
tiratura |
427. |
tiro |
Schießen |
shooting |
tir |
tiro |
428. |
Tizian |
Tizian |
Tizian |
Tizian |
Tizian |
429. |
tono |
Stockflecken |
toned |
modifié la ton |
tono |
430. |
tono de color |
Abtönung |
shade |
nuance |
tonalitá |
431. |
tortuga |
Schildkröten |
turtle |
tortue |
tartaruga |
432. |
tráfico |
Verkehr |
traffic |
trafic / circulation |
circolazione |
433. |
trajes regionales |
Trachten |
costumes |
costume régional |
costume |
434. |
transparente |
durchsichtig |
transparent |
transparent |
trasparente |
435. |
tranvias, carros |
Straßenbahn |
tram |
tram |
tram |
436. |
437. |
unido |
zusammenhängend |
unsevered |
tenant (se) |
tenendosi |
438. |
uniforme |
Uniformen |
uniform |
uniforme |
uniforme |
439. |
Unión Postal Universal |
Weltpostverein |
Universal Postal Union |
Union Universelle Postale |
Unione Postale Universale |
440. |
universidad |
Universitäten |
university |
université |
università |
441. |
442. |
443. |
usado |
gebraucht |
used |
oblitéré |
annullato |
444. |
valor |
Wert |
value |
valeur |
valore |
445. |
valor nominal |
Nennwert |
face value |
valeur faciale |
valore nominale |
446. |
van Gogh |
van Gogh |
van Gogh |
van Gogh |
van Gogh |
447. |
variedad |
Abart |
variety |
variété |
varietá |
448. |
vehiculos, automóviles |
Kraftfahrzeug |
motor vehicle |
automobile |
autoveicolo |
449. |
veledero |
gültig |
valid |
valable |
valevole |
450. |
veleros |
Segelschiffe |
sailing ship |
voilier |
nave a vela |
451. |
venados, ciervos |
Rotwild |
red deer |
bêtes fauves |
selvaggina cervina |
452. |
ventanal, vidriera |
Glasfenster |
glass window |
fenêtre vitrée / vitrail |
invetriata |
453. |
vincado |
bügig |
creased |
plissé |
piegato |
454. |
vino |
Wein |
wine / grapes |
vigne / vin |
vino / uva |
455. |
Virgen |
Madonna |
Madonna/Holy Virgin |
La Vierge |
Madonna |
456. |
volcános |
Vulkane |
vulcanoe |
volcan |
vulcano |
457. |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Volley-ball |
Volleyball |
458. |
water-polo |
Wasserball |
water-polo |
water-polo |
palla da nuoto |
459. |
460. |
yachting |
Segeln |
sailing |
faire voile |
andare a vela |
461. |
Zeppelin |
Zeppeline |
Zeppelin |
Zeppelin |
Zeppelin |
462. |
Zodiaco |
Tierkreiszeichen |
Zodiac |
Zodiaques |
Zodiaco |
463. |
zorra |
Füchse |
fox |
renard |
volpe |
464. |
Automatenmarken |
465. |
abejas |
Bienen |
bees |
abeille |
apes |
466. |
actores |
Schauspieler |
actor |
acteur |
attore |
467. |
Adenauer |
Adenauer |
Adenauer |
Adenauer |
Adenauer |
468. |
ajedrez |
Schach |
chess |
échecs |
scacchi |
469. |
Alpinismo |
Bergsteigen |
Mountaineering |
Alpinisme |
Alpinismo |
470. |
Amnesty-Internatiol |
Amnesty-International |
Amnesty-International |
Amnesty-International |
Amnesty-International |
471. |
animal doméstico |
Haustiere |
domestic animal/pet |
animal domestique |
animale domestico |
472. |
Animales (todos) |
Tiere |
Animals (all) |
Animaux (toutes) |
Animali |
473. |
animales carniceros |
Raubkatzen |
wild cats |
carnassier |
bestia feroce |
474. |
animales marítimos |
Meerestiere |
sealife |
animal marine |
animale marittimo |
475. |
ano de la juventud |
Jahr der Jugend |
youth year |
année de la jeunesse |
anno della gioventù |
476. |
ano de la mujer |
Jahr der Frau |
year of the women |
année de la femme |
anno della donna |
477. |
ano del nino |
Jahr des Kindes |
year of the child |
année de l`enfant |
anno della bambino |
478. |
arana |
Spinnen |
spider |
araignée |
ragno |
479. |
arbol |
Baum |
tree |
arbre |
albero |
480. |
Armas |
Waffen |
Wappons |
Armes |
Armi |
481. |
arqueologia |
Archäologie |
archaeology |
archéoligie |
archeologie |
482. |
arquitectura |
Architektur |
architecture |
architecture |
architettura |
483. |
arte |
Kunst |
art |
art |
arte |
484. |
Astronáutica |
Raumfahrt |
Space |
Astronautique |
Astronautica |
485. |
Astronomia |
Astronomie |
Astronomy |
Astronomie |
Astronomia |
486. |
atletismo ligero |
Leichtathletik |
athletics |
athlétisme |
atletica leggera |
487. |
ave |
Vögel |
bird |
oiseau |
uccello |
488. |
aves acuáticas |
Wasservögel |
water fowl |
oiseau aquatique |
uccello acquatico |
489. |
aves de rapina |
Raubvögel |
birds of prey |
oiseau de proie |
uccello rapace |
490. |
aviacion |
Luftfahrt |
aviation |
aviation |
aviazione |
491. |
aviación civil |
Zivilluftfahrt |
civil aviation |
aviation civile |
aviazione civile |
492. |
avion |
Flugzeuge |
airoplane |
avion |
aeroplano |
493. |
aviones militares |
Kriegsflugzeuge |
military aircraft |
avion de guerre |
aeroplano di guerra |
494. |
bailes, danzas |
Tanz |
dances |
danses |
danza |
495. |
ballena |
Wale |
whale |
baleine |
balena |
496. |
ballet |
Ballett |
ballet |
ballet |
balletto |
497. |
Baloncesto |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basket-ball |
Baloncesto |
498. |
balonmano |
Handball |
handball |
handball |
pallamano |
499. |
bandera |
Flaggen |
flag |
pavillon |
bandiera |
500. |
Baseball |
Baseball |
Baseball |
Baseball |
Baseball |
501. |
Beethoven |
Beethoven |
Beethoven |
Beethoven |
Beethoven |
502. |
bomberos |
Feuerwehr |
fire-brigade |
sapeurs-pompiers |
pompieri |
503. |
Boxeo |
Boxen |
Boxing |
Boxe |
Pugilismo |
504. |
Bridge |
Bridge |
Bridge |
Bridge |
Bridge |
505. |
bueyes, vacas |
Rinder |
cattle |
bovinés |
manzo / vacca |
506. |
caballo marino, hipocampo |
Seepferdchen |
seahorses |
hippocampe |
ippocampo |
507. |
caballos |
Pferde |
horses |
chevaux |
cavallos |
508. |
cabras |
Ziegen |
goat |
chèvre |
capra |
509. |
cacto, cactus |
Kakteen |
cactus |
cactée |
cacto |
510. |
caracoles marítimos |
Meeresschnecken |
sea-snail |
gastéropode de mer |
chiocciola marittimo |
511. |
caracoles, barbosas, limazas |
Schnecken |
snail / slug |
gastéropode |
chiocciola |
512. |
carreras de coche |
Autorennen |
motor-race |
course d`automobiles |
corsa automobilistica |
513. |
Carta especial |
Ministerkarten |
Special folders |
carte spécial |
Carta speciale |
514. |
Cartas |
Belege/Briefe |
Letters |
Lettres |
Lettere |
515. |
Castillos |
Schloss |
Castles |
Château |
Palazzi/Castelli |
516. |
Catálogos/Literatura |
Kataloge/Literatur |
Catalogues/literature |
Catalogues/Literature |
Cataloghi/Letteratura |
517. |
caza |
Jagd |
chase / hunting |
chasse |
caccia |
518. |
centenario |
Jahrhundertfeier |
centenary |
centenaire |
centenario |
519. |
centolla, camarón, gamba, cigala |
Krabben |
crab |
crabe |
granchiolino |
520. |
cerveza |
Bier |
beer |
bière |
birra |
521. |
Chagall |
Chagall |
Chagall |
Chagall |
Chagall |
522. |
Chaplin |
Chaplin |
Chaplin |
Chaplin |
Chaplin |
523. |
Churchill |
Churchill |
Churchill |
Churchill |
Churchill |
524. |
ciclismo |
Radfahren |
cycling |
cyclisme |
andare in bicicletta |
525. |
ciencia |
Wissenschaft |
science |
science |
scienzia |
526. |
cientificos, hombres de ciencia |
Wissenschaftler |
scientist |
homme de science |
scienziato |
527. |
circo |
Zirkus |
Circus |
cirque |
circo |
528. |
coche |
Auto |
car |
voiture |
macchina |
529. |
coche |
Kutschen |
coach |
calèche |
carrozza |
530. |
Cochino |
Schwein |
Pigs |
Cochon |
Porchi |
531. |
Colombo |
Kolumbus |
Columbus |
Colombe |
Colombo |
532. |
Comic |
Comic |
Comic |
Comic |
Comic |
533. |
Compositor |
Komponisten |
Composer |
Compositeur |
Compositore |
534. |
conchas |
Muscheln |
mussle /shell |
coquillage |
conchiglia |
535. |
Concorde |
Concorde |
Concorde |
Concorde |
Concorde |
536. |
correos |
Postwesen |
post |
poste |
posta |
537. |
Cruz Roja |
Rotes Kreuz |
Red Cross |
Croix-Rouge |
Croce Rossa |
538. |
cuadernillo |
Markenheftchen |
booklet |
carnet |
libretto |
539. |
cuadros |
Gemälde |
paintings |
peinture |
quadro / pittura |
540. |
cuento de hadas, mito |
Märchen |
fairy-tale |
conte |
fiaba |
541. |
cueva, gruta |
Höhlen |
cave |
caverne |
caverna |
542. |
cultura |
Kultur |
culture |
culture |
cultura |
543. |
da Vinci |
da Vinci |
da Vinci |
da Vinci |
da Vinci |
544. |
delfin |
Delphin |
dolphin |
dauphin |
delfino |
545. |
deporte |
Sport |
sports |
sport |
sport |
546. |
derechos del hombre |
Menschenrechte |
human rights |
droits de l`homme |
dirittos dell`uomo |
547. |
Descripción al dorso |
rückseitige Beschreibung |
Descriptions endorsed |
Descriptions au dos |
Descriptions endorsed |
548. |
Descubridores |
Entdecker |
Discoverers |
Explorateurs |
Scopritori |
549. |
día del sello |
Tag der Briefmarke |
stamp-day |
jour du timbre |
giorno del francobollo |
550. |
Diana (Lady Di) |
Diana (Lady Di) |
Diana (Lady Di) |
Diana (Lady Di) |
Diana (Lady Di) |
551. |
dibujo prehistórico |
Felszeichnung |
rock-painting |
peinture parétale |
disegno rupestre |
552. |
diligencia |
Postkutschen |
stage-coach |
diligence |
carrozza postale |
553. |
dinosaurios |
Saurier |
dinosaurus |
sauriens |
dinosaurio |
554. |
Disney |
Disney |
Disney |
Disney |
Disney |
555. |
drogas |
Drogen |
drugs |
drogues |
drogs |
556. |
Durer |
Dürer |
Durer |
Durer |
Durer |
557. |
edificio |
Gebäude |
building |
bâtiment |
edificio |
558. |
Edificio |
Bauwerke |
Building |
Bâtiment |
Edificio |
559. |
Einstein |
Einstein |
Einstein |
Einstein |
Einstein |
560. |
elefante |
Elefanten |
elephant |
éléphant |
elefante |
561. |
Elisabeth II |
Elisabeth II |
Elisabeth II |
Elisabeth II |
Elisabeth II |
562. |
Elvis Presley |
Elvis |
Elvis Presley |
Elvis Presley |
Elvis Presley |
563. |
enteros |
Ganzsache |
entire |
entier |
intiero |
564. |
equitación |
Reiten |
riding |
équitation |
cavalcare |
565. |
erizos |
Igel |
hedgehog |
hérisson |
riccio |
566. |
escarabajos |
Käfer |
beetles |
coléoptère |
coleottero |
567. |
escritores |
Schriftsteller |
author |
écrivain |
scrittore |
568. |
escudo |
Wappen |
coat of arms |
armoiries |
stemma |
569. |
escultura |
Skulpturen |
sculpture |
sculpture |
scultura |
570. |
esgrima |
Fechten |
fencing |
faire de l`escrime |
combattere |
571. |
espacio |
Weltraum |
space |
espace cosmique |
spazio / cosmo |
572. |
Esperanto |
Esperanto |
Esperanto |
Esperanto |
Esperanto |
573. |
esquiar |
Skifahren |
skiing |
ski |
sciare |
574. |
Europa CEPT |
Europa CEPT |
Europe CEPT |
Europe CEPT |
Europa CEPT |
575. |
Europa simpatizantes |
Europa Mitläufer |
Europe sympathics |
Europe sympathisantes |
Europa simpatizzante |
576. |
exploradores |
Pfadfinder |
scouts |
scout |
esploratore |
577. |
exposición filatelico |
Briefmarkenausstellungen |
philatelic exhibitions |
expositions philatélics |
esposizione filatelica |
578. |
Exposition mundial |
Weltausstellung |
World exhibitions |
Exposition mondial |
Esposizione mondiale |
579. |
faro, fanal |
Leuchttürme |
lighthouse |
phare |
faro |
580. |
Ferrari |
Ferrari |
Ferrari |
Ferrari |
Ferrari |
581. |
ferrocarriles |
Eisenbahn |
railways |
chemin de fer |
ferrovia |
582. |
Filatelia |
Philatelie |
Philately |
Philatelie |
Filatelia |
583. |
Film |
Film |
Film |
Film |
Film |
584. |
flor |
Blumen |
flower |
fleur |
fiore |
585. |
fosiles |
Fossil |
fossils |
fossiles |
fossiles |
586. |
Fotografia |
Fotografie |
Photography |
Photographie |
Fotografia |
587. |
fútbol |
Fußball |
football |
football |
calcio |
588. |
gallinas, gallos |
Hühner |
fowl / poultry |
poule / volaille |
gallina |
589. |
gato |
Katzen |
cat |
chat |
gatto |
590. |
gato montés |
Wildkatzen |
wild cats |
chat sauvage |
gatto selvatico |
591. |
Geologia |
Geologie |
Geology |
Geologie |
Geoligia |
592. |
Globo |
Ballons |
Balloon |
Ballon |
Pallone |
593. |
Goethe |
Goethe |
Goethe |
Goethe |
Goethe |
594. |
Golf |
Golf |
Golf |
Golf |
Golf |
595. |
grillo, cigarra |
Grillen |
cricket |
grillon |
grillo |
596. |
helicópteros |
Hubschrauber |
helicopter |
hélicoptère |
elicottero |
597. |
hidroavión, hidro |
Wasserflugzeuge |
seaplane |
hydravion |
idrovolante |
598. |
hierba medicinal |
Heilpflanzen |
medicinal plant |
plante officinale |
erba medicinale |
599. |
Hockey sobre hielo |
Eishockey |
Ice-hockey |
Hockey sur glace |
Hockey su ghiaccio |
600. |
hoja bloque |
Block |
souvenir sheet |
feuillet |
foglietto |
601. |
hoja-bloque |
Gedenkblock |
souvenir sheet |
bloc-souvenir |
blocco |
602. |
Hologramma |
Hologramme |
Hologramme |
Hologramme |
Hologramma |
603. |
hongos, setas |
Pilze |
mushrooms |
champignons |
fungi |
604. |
Hundertwasser |
Hundertwasser |
Hundertwasser |
Hundertwasser |
Hundertwasser |
605. |
iglesia, templo |
Kirchen |
church |
église |
chiesa |
606. |
impresión |
Druck |
print |
impression |
stampa |
607. |
industria minera |
Bergbau |
mining |
exploitation des mines |
industria mineraria |
608. |
insecto |
Insekten |
insect |
insecte |
insetto |
609. |
instrumento de música |
Musikinstrumente |
music instruments |
instrument de musique |
strumento musicale |
610. |
instrumentos de medición |
Messinstrumente |
measuring instrument |
instrument de mesure |
strumento per misura |
611. |
jardin zoológico, zoo |
Zoo |
Zoo |
zoo |
zoo |
612. |
joyas, joyerías |
Schmuck |
jewelry |
bijoux |
gioielli |
613. |
Juegos |
Spiele |
Games |
Jeux |
Games |
614. |
juguete |
Spielzeug |
toys |
jouets |
giocattolo |
615. |
Kennedy |
Kennedy |
Kennedy |
Kennedy |
Kennedy |
616. |
langosta, saltamonte |
Heuschrecken |
grasshopper |
sauterelle |
cavaletta |
617. |
lechuza, mochuelo |
Eulen |
owl |
hibou / chouette |
civetta |
618. |
levantamiento de pesos |
Gewichtheben |
weightlifting |
haltérophilie |
sollevamento pesi |
619. |
libélula |
Libellen |
dragonfly |
libellule |
livella |
620. |
Libro del ano |
Jahrbuch |
Yearbook |
Livre d`année |
Libro del anno |
621. |
Libro del ano especial |
Ministerjahrbücher |
Special year books |
Livre d`année spécial |
Libro del anno speciale |
622. |
libros |
Bücher |
books |
livres |
libros |
623. |
liebre |
Hasen |
hare |
lièvre |
lepre |
624. |
Lions-Club |
Lions-Club |
Lions-Club |
Lions-Club |
Lions-Club |
625. |
Literatura |
Literatur |
Literature |
Literature |
Literatura |
626. |
lucha |
Ringen |
wrestling |
lutte |
lottare |
627. |
Madra Theresa |
Mutter Theresa |
Mother Theresa |
Mère Thérèse |
Madre Theresa |
628. |
mamifero |
Säugetiere |
mammal |
mammifère |
mammifero |
629. |
mamiferos marítimos |
Meeressäuger |
sea-mammals |
mammifère de mer |
mammifero marittimo |
630. |
mapa meteorológico |
Wetterkarten |
meteorological chart |
carte méteorologique |
carta meteorologica |
631. |
mapas |
Landkarten |
map |
carte géographique |
carta geografica |
632. |
mariposa |
Schmetterlinge |
butterfly |
papillon |
farfalla |
633. |
martín pescador |
Eisvögel |
kingfisher |
martin-pêcheur |
martinpescatore |
634. |
medicina, médicos |
Medizin |
medicine |
médicine |
medicina |
635. |
Meteorologia |
Meteorologie |
Meteorology |
Météorolgie |
Meteorologia |
636. |
Metro |
S-Bahn |
Tramway |
Métro |
Metro |
637. |
Metro |
U-Bahn |
Subway |
Métro |
Metro |
638. |
Militar/Guerra |
Militär/Krieg |
Military/War |
Militaire/Guerre |
Militare/Guerra |
639. |
minerales |
Mineralien |
minerals |
minéraux |
minerale |
640. |
Moda |
Mode |
Fashion |
Mode |
Moda |
641. |
molino de viento |
Windmühlen |
wind mills |
moulin à vent |
mulino a vento |
642. |
molinos |
Mühle |
mill |
moulin |
mulino |
643. |
monedas sobre sellos |
Münzen auf Marken |
coins on stamps |
monnaie sur timbre |
moneta sopra francobollo |
644. |
mono |
Affen |
ape |
singe |
scimmia |
645. |
montana |
Berg |
mountain |
montagne |
monte |
646. |
Motivos alemanos |
deutsche Motive |
german topics |
Thèmes Allemands |
Motivos tedescos |
647. |
Motivos cristianos |
christliche Motive |
Christian topics |
Thèmes crétiens |
Motivos cristianos |
648. |
motivos polares |
Polarmotive |
polar topicals |
thème polaire |
motivo polare |
649. |
motivos prehistóricos |
prähistorische Motive |
prehistoric topicals |
thème préhistorique |
motivo preistorico |
650. |
motocicleta |
Motorrad |
motor-cycle |
motocyclette |
motocicletta |
651. |
mujer |
Frauen |
woman |
femme |
donna |
652. |
murciélago |
Fledermäuse |
bat |
chauve-souris |
pipistrello |
653. |
música |
Musik |
music |
musique |
musica |
654. |
Músicos de Pop |
Pop-Musiker |
Pop musician |
Musicien du Pop |
Musico de Pop |
655. |
natación |
Schwimmen |
swimming |
natation |
nuoto |
656. |
nave |
Schiffe |
ship |
bateau |
nave |
657. |
Navegantes |
Seefahrer |
Navigators |
Navigateurs |
Navigantes |
658. |
Navidad |
Weihnachten |
christmas |
Noel |
Natale |
659. |
ninos |
Kinder |
children |
enfants |
bambini |
660. |
Olimpiada |
Olympia |
olympic games |
jeux Olympiques |
olimpiade |
661. |
Olimpiada de invierno |
Winter-Olympiade |
Winter olympics |
Olympiade d`hiver |
Olimpiade de inverno |
662. |
Olimpiada de verano |
Sommer-Olympiade |
Summer olympics |
Olympiade d`été |
Summer olympics |
663. |
organizaciones |
Organisationen |
organization |
organisation |
organizzazione |
664. |
orquidea |
Orchideen |
orchid |
orchidée |
orchidea |
665. |
oso |
Bären |
bear |
ours |
orso |
666. |
oveja, carnero |
Schafe |
sheep |
mouton |
pecora |
667. |
paisajes |
Landschaften |
landscape |
paysages |
paesaggio |
668. |
Paleontologia |
Paläontologie |
Paleontology |
Paleontologie |
Paleontologia |
669. |
papa |
Papst |
pope |
pape |
papa |
670. |
papagayos, loros |
Papageien |
parrot |
perroquet |
pappagallo |
671. |
paracaidistas |
Fallschirmspringen |
parachute |
parachutage |
paracadutista |
672. |
Paragliding |
Gleitschirmfliegen |
Paragliding |
Paragliding |
Paragliding |
673. |
Paragliding |
Drachenfliegen |
Paragliding |
Paragliding |
Paragliding |
674. |
Particularidad |
Besonderheiten |
Specialty |
Spécialité |
Particolarità |
675. |
partitudos |
Parteien |
party |
parti |
partito |
676. |
Pascua |
Ostern |
Easter |
Pâques |
Pasqua |
677. |
Patinaje artistico |
Eiskunstlauf |
Figure-skating |
Patinage |
Pattinaggio artistico |
678. |
pato, ánade |
Enten |
ducks |
canard |
anitra |
679. |
paz |
Frieden |
peace |
paix |
pace |
680. |
perla |
Perlen |
pearl |
perle |
perla |
681. |
perro |
Hunde |
dog |
chien |
cane |
682. |
personas |
Personen |
personage |
personnages |
personaggio |
683. |
Petróleo |
Öl |
Oil |
Pétrole |
Petrolio |
684. |
pez |
Fische |
fish |
poisson |
pesce |
685. |
Picasso |
Picasso |
Picasso |
Picasso |
Picasso |
686. |
pingpong, tenis de mesa |
Tischtennis |
table tennis |
tennis de table |
tennis da tavola |
687. |
pingüinos |
Pinguine |
penguins |
pingouins |
pinguinos |
688. |
pinturas de ninos |
Kindergemälde |
childrens paintings |
peinture de lènfant |
disegno della bambino |
689. |
pinturas desnudas |
Aktgemälde |
nude paintings |
peinture nue |
quadro nudo |
690. |
planta acuática |
Wasserpflanzen |
aquatic plant |
plante aquatique |
pianta acquatica |
691. |
Plantas |
Pflanzen |
Plants |
plantes |
Piante |
692. |
policía |
Polizei |
police |
police |
polizia |
693. |
premio Nobel |
Nobelpreis |
Nobel prize |
prix Nobel |
premio Nobel |
694. |
Presa |
Staudämme |
Dam |
Barrage |
Dam |
695. |
Princesa Anne |
Prinzessin Anne |
Princess Anne |
Princesse Anne |
Princesa Anne |
696. |
protección de la naturalezza |
Naturschutz |
nature protection |
protection de la nature |
protezione delle bellezze naturali |
697. |
puente |
Brücken |
bridge |
pont |
ponte |
698. |
Queen Mother |
Queen Mother |
Queen Mother |
Queen Mother |
Queen Mother |
699. |
Raffael |
Raffael |
Raphael |
Raphael |
Raffael |
700. |
rana |
Frösche |
frog |
grenouille |
rana |
701. |
Religión |
Religion |
Religion |
Religion |
Religione |
702. |
Relojes |
Uhren |
Clocks |
Horloges |
Orologi |
703. |
Rembrandt |
Rembrandt |
Rembrandt |
Rembrandt |
Rembrandt |
704. |
remo |
Rudern |
rowing |
faire de l`aviron |
remare |
705. |
reptil |
Reptilien |
reptil |
reptile |
rettile |
706. |
reyes, reinas |
Könige |
king |
rois |
re, regina |
707. |
rosa |
Rosen |
rose |
rose |
rosa |
708. |
Rotary-Club |
Rotary-Club |
Rotary-Club |
Rotary-Club |
Rotary-Club |
709. |
Rowland Hill |
Rowland Hill |
Rowland Hill |
Rowland Hill |
Rowland Hill |
710. |
Rubens |
Rubens |
Rubens |
Rubens |
Rubens |
711. |
saltos de agua |
Wasserfälle |
waterfall |
chute d`eau |
cascata |
712. |
sello sobre sello |
Marke auf Marke |
stamp on stamp |
timbre sur timbre |
francobollo sopra francobollo |
713. |
Sellos circulares |
runde Marken |
round stamps |
Timbres ronds |
Francobolli rotondi |
714. |
Sellos de madera |
Holz-Marken |
wood stamps |
Timbres du bois |
Francobolli di legno |
715. |
Sellos de metal |
Metall-Marken |
Metal stamps |
Timbres de métal |
Francobollo metallico |
716. |
Sellos de oro/plata |
Gold/Silber-Marken |
Gold/Silver stamps |
Timbres d`Or/Argent |
Francobolli de oro/argento |
717. |
Sellos de tela |
Stoff-Marken |
textile stamps |
Timbres d`textile |
textile stamps |
718. |
Sellos triangulares |
dreieckige Marken |
triangular stamps |
Timbres triangulaires |
Francobolli triangolari |
719. |
serpiente |
Schlangen |
snake |
serpent |
serpente |
720. |
sobrecarga |
Aufdruck |
overprint |
surcharge |
soprastampa |
721. |
submarino |
U-Boote |
submarines |
sous-marin |
sommergibile |
722. |
Succulentes |
Sukkulenten |
Succulentes |
Succulentes |
Succulentes |
723. |
sumergirse, buzos |
Taucher |
diving |
plongée |
tuffarsi |
724. |
surfing |
Surfen |
surfing |
surfing |
surfing |
725. |
Tabaco |
Tabak |
Tabac |
Tabac |
Tabac |
726. |
teatro |
Theater |
Theatre |
Théâtre |
Theatre |
727. |
Telecommunication |
Telekommunikation |
Telecommunication |
Télécommunication |
Telecommunicatione |
728. |
Tenis |
Tennis |
Tennis |
Ténnis |
Tennis |
729. |
tiburón |
Haie |
shark |
requin |
pescecane |
730. |
tiro |
Schießen |
shooting |
tir |
tiro |
731. |
Tizian |
Tizian |
Tizian |
Tizian |
Tizian |
732. |
tortuga |
Schildkröten |
turtle |
tortue |
tartaruga |
733. |
tráfico |
Verkehr |
traffic |
trafic / circulation |
circolazione |
734. |
trajes regionales |
Trachten |
costumes |
costume régional |
costume |
735. |
tranvias, carros |
Straßenbahn |
tram |
tram |
tram |
736. |
737. |
uniforme |
Uniformen |
uniform |
uniforme |
uniforme |
738. |
Unión Postal Universal |
Weltpostverein |
Universal Postal Union |
Union Universelle Postale |
Unione Postale Universale |
739. |
universidad |
Universitäten |
university |
université |
università |
740. |
741. |
742. |
van Gogh |
van Gogh |
van Gogh |
van Gogh |
van Gogh |
743. |
vehiculos, automóviles |
Kraftfahrzeug |
motor vehicle |
automobile |
autoveicolo |
744. |
veleros |
Segelschiffe |
sailing ship |
voilier |
nave a vela |
745. |
venados, ciervos |
Rotwild |
red deer |
bêtes fauves |
selvaggina cervina |
746. |
ventanal, vidriera |
Glasfenster |
glass window |
fenêtre vitrée / vitrail |
invetriata |
747. |
vino |
Wein |
wine / grapes |
vigne / vin |
vino / uva |
748. |
Virgen |
Madonna |
Madonna/Holy Virgin |
La Vierge |
Madonna |
749. |
volcános |
Vulkane |
vulcanoe |
volcan |
vulcano |
750. |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Volley-ball |
Volleyball |
751. |
water-polo |
Wasserball |
water-polo |
water-polo |
palla da nuoto |
752. |
753. |
yachting |
Segeln |
sailing |
faire voile |
andare a vela |
754. |
Zeppelin |
Zeppeline |
Zeppelin |
Zeppelin |
Zeppelin |
755. |
Zodiaco |
Tierkreiszeichen |
Zodiac |
Zodiaques |
Zodiaco |
756. |
zorra |
Füchse |
fox |
renard |
volpe |